About Maniktala Assembly Constituency
Maniktala is constituency No. 167 of West Bengal legislative assembly. Situated in Kolkata district, it is part of Kolkata Uttar Lok Sabha constituency. Maniktala is an open constituency.
There are 2,03,191 registered voters in Maniktala. It comprises 1,09,170 male and 94,021 female voters.
Sadhan Pande of Trinamool Congress won this seat in the 2011 assembly elections. Pande defeated his nearest opponent, Rupa Bagchi of CPI(M), by a convincing margin of 36,550 votes. The voter turnout was 72.98 %. Maniktala was a CPI(M) bastion for over four decades before INC candidate Paresh Paul clinched this seat in the 1996 assembly elections. Paresh Paul won this seat again in the 2001 assembly elections, this time on TMC ticket. The CPI(M) won this seat in the 2006. However, in the 2011 elections, this seat also went to the TMC.
Sitting and previous MLAs from Maniktala Assembly Constituency
Below is the list of winners and runners-up in the Maniktala assembly elections conducted so far.
year | AC No. | AC name | Type of AC | Winner | Gender | Party | Vote | Runner-up | Gender | Party | Vote |
2011 | 167 | Maniktala | GEN | Sadhan Pande | M | AITC | 89039 | Rupa Bagchi | F | CPM | 52489 |
2006 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Rupa Bagchi | F | CPI(M) | 53908 | Paresh Paul | M | AITC | 52523 |
2001 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Paresh Paul | M | AITC | 59626 | Shyamal Chakraborty | M | CPM | 54117 |
1996 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Paresh Paul | M | INC | 62088 | Shyamal Chakraborty | M | CPM | 61581 |
1991 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Shyamal Chakraborty | M | CPM | 50687 | Paresh Paul | M | INC | 44993 |
1987 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Shyamal Chakraborty | M | CPM | 49599 | Bimalendu Roy | M | INC | 39404 |
1982 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Shyamal Chakrabarty | M | CPM | 47161 | Dulaleswar Roy | M | INC | 30293 |
1981 | By Polls | Manicktola | GEN | S.Chakraborty | M | CPM | 34194 | B.Chakraborty | M | INC(I) | 18839 |
1977 | 159 | Manicktola | GEN | Suhrid Mullick Chowdhury | M | CPM | 26945 | Ashok Das Gupta | M | JNP | 12930 |
1972 | 148 | Manicktola | GEN | Ila Mitra | M | CPI | 43238 | Anila Debi | M | CPM | 21622 |
1971 | 148 | Manicktola | GEN | Anila Debi | M | CPM | 16773 | Ananta Kumar Bharati | M | INC | 15682 |
1969 | 148 | Manicktola | GEN | Ila Mitra | F | CPI | 31841 | Pradip Kumar Sarkar | M | INC | 21646 |
1967 | 148 | Manicktola | GEN | I . Mitra | F | CPI | 30380 | N . Sen | M | INC | 23476 |
1962 | 121 | Manicktola | GEN | Ila Mitra | F | CPI | 23277 | Naren Sen | M | IND | 14784 |
1957 | 134 | Manicktola | GEN | Ranendra Nath Sen | M | CPI | 22444 | Bankim Banerjee | M | INC | 10243 |
1951 | 171 | Manicktola | GEN | Ranendra Nath Sen | M | CPI | 9221 | Narendra Nath Dalal | M | INC | 4688 |
Last Updated on June 06, 2020