List of Polling Booth in Tuensang Sadar-II
Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Tuensang Sadar-II Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth.
Sl No. | Locality of Polling Station | Building in which located | Polling areas | Whether for all voters or men only or women only |
1 | Hak | GPS | Hak | All Voters |
2 | Hakchang | GPS | Hakchang | All Voters |
3 | Maksha | GPS | Maksha | All Voters |
4 | Nyinyem | GPS | Nyinyem | All Voters |
5 | Konya | GPS | Konya | All Voters |
6 | Kejok | GPS | Kejok | All Voters |
7 | Sangsangnyu | GPS | Sangsangnyu | All Voters |
8 | Tuensang Village 'A'E/W | GMS | Tuensang Village 'A'E/W | All Voters |
9 | Tuensang Village 'A'W/W | GPS E/W | Tuensang Village 'A'W/W | All Voters |
10 | Tuensang Village 'B' | Panchayat Hall | Tuensang Village 'B' | All Voters |
11 | Tuensang Village 'C'N/W | Community Hall | Tuensang Village 'C' N/W | All Voters |
12 | Tuensang Village 'C'S/W | Youth Hall | Tuensang Village 'C'S/W | All Voters |
13 | Chingmelen | GPS | Chingmelen | All Voters |
14 | Chendang | GPS | Chendang | All Voters |
15 | Kuthur 'A' | Panchayat Hall | Kuthur 'A' | All Voters |
16 | Kuthur 'B' | GPS | Kuthur 'B' | All Voters |
17 | Sipongsang | GPS | Sipongsang | All Voters |
18 | Longtokur | GPS | Longtokur | All Voters |
19 | Sotokur 'A' | GPS | Sotokur 'A' | All Voters |
20 | Sotokur 'B' | GPS | Sotokur 'B' | All Voters |
21 | Sotokur 'C' | GPS 'C' Building | Sotokur 'C' | All Voters |
22 | Wongthu Khel | GPS | Wongthu Khel | All Voters |
23 | Hakchang 'B' | Panchayat Hall | Hakchang 'B' | All Voters |
24 | Tuensang Village 'D' | Anganwadi Centre | Tuensang Village 'D' | All Voters |
25 | Sotokur 'D' | GPS | Sotokur 'D' | All Voters |
26 | Chingmelen 'B' | GPS 'A' | Chingmelen 'B' | All Voters |
27 | Keshai Village | GPS | Keshai Villaghe | All Voters |
28 | Tuensang Village 'E' | GPS | Tuensang Village 'E' | All Voters |
29 | Langa Village | Panchayat Hall | Langa Village | All Voters |
Last Updated on: Jan 20, 2023