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Polling Booth in Dimapur III Assembly Constituency

List of Polling Booth in Dimapur III

Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Dimapur III Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth.

Sl No.Locality of Polling StationBuilding in which locatedPolling areasWhether for all voters or men only or women only
1KushiabillG.P.S. KushiabillKushiabillAll Voters
2DarogajanG.P.S. Darogajan VillageDarogajan All Voters
3Purana Bazar (Padum Pokhuri) N/WG.H.S.(N/W) Purana BazarPurana Bazar (Padum Pokhuri) N/WAll Voters
4Purana Bazar (Padum Pokhuri) E/WPanchayat Hall Purana BazarPurana Bazar (Padum Pokhuri) E/WAll Voters
5Purana Bazar (River Side) W/WIncome Tax Office Purana BazarPurana Bazar (River Side) W/WAll Voters
6Purana Bazar (Pragady Samaj Hall)G.P.S.(New Building) Purana BazarPurana Bazar (Pragady Samaj Hall)All Voters
7Naharbari- IG.M.S.NaharbariNaharbariAll Voters
8Padam PokhuriG.P.S. Padam PokhuriPadam PokhuriAll Voters
9PhaipijangG.P.S. PhaipijangPhaipijangAll Voters
10SamaguriG.P.S. Samaguri1. Samaguri 2.ToluviAll Voters
11Baman PukhuriG.P.S. Baman PukhuriBaman Pukhuri-I & IIAll Voters
12DobagoanG.P.S. DobagaonDobagoanAll Voters
13Dhansiripar TownG.P.S. Dhansiripar TownDhansiripar TownAll Voters
14Dhansiripar VillageG.P.S. Dhansiripar VillageDhansiripar VillageAll Voters
15Singrijan- IG.P.S. Singrijan Village N/W1. Singrijan 2. KhopanalaAll Voters
16Eralibil VillageG.P.S. Eralibil VillageEralibil VillageAll Voters
17DisagaphuG.P.S. DisagaphuDisagaphuAll Voters
18DoyapurG.P.S. DoyapurDoyapurAll Voters
19AmalumaG.P.S. AmalumaAmalumaAll Voters
20Hazadisa VillageG.P.S. Hazadisa Village1. Hazadisa 2. MonglumukhAll Voters
21RazhapheG.P.S. RazhapheRazapheAll Voters
22KiyatoG.P.S. KiyatoKiyatoAll Voters
23DiezepheG.P.S.DiezepheDiezepheAll Voters
24BadeG.P.S.BadeBadeAll Voters
25TsethrongseG.P.S.TsethrongseTsethrongseAll Voters
26Zani VillageG.P.S.Zani VillageZani VillageAll Voters
27EkranipatharG.P.S. EkranipatharEkranipatharAll Voters
28GaneshnagarG.P.S. GaneshnagarGaneshnagarAll Voters
29Shikavi VillageG.P.S. ShikaviShikavi VillageAll Voters
30Urra VillagePanchayat Hall Urra VillageUrra VillageAll Voters
31Murise VillageG.P.S. Murise VillageMurise VillageAll Voters
32Purana Bazar 'B'GMS Purana Bazar 'B'Purana Bazar 'B'All Voters
33K. Hollohon ColonyGPS K. Hollohon ColonyK. Hollohon ColonyAll Voters
34Daniel VillageGPS Daniel VillageDaniel VillageAll Voters
35Purana Bazar (River Side) S/WChief Executive Office (Fishery) Purana BazarPurana Bazar (River Side) S/WAll Voters
36Naharbari- IIG.P.S.NaharbariNaharbariAll Voters
37Padam PokhuriG.P.S. Padam PokhuriPadam PokhuriAll Voters
38Singrijan - IIGHSS SingrijanMishikitoAll Voters
39ToulazoumaGPS ToulazoumaToulazoumaAll Voters
40SeluopheGPS SeluopheSeluopheAll Voters
41Padam Pokhuri IIICommunity buildingPadam pokhuriAll Voters
42ToluviGMS ToluviToluviAll Voters
43KhopanalaGPS SingrijanKhopanalaAll Voters
44ManglumukhGPS ManglumukhManglumukhAll Voters
45Kushiabill-IKachari Community Hall,KushiabillKushiabill ColonyAll Voters
46Baman Pukhuri-IGPS Baman Pukhuri-IBaman Pukhuri-I All Voters
47Toulazouma-IGPS New Building ToulazoumaToulazoumaAll Voters

Last Updated on: Jan 19, 2023