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Kharkutta (Meghalaya) Assembly Constituency Elections

Khliehriat assembly constituency is in the Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya State. There are 38,105 voters in the constituency of which 34,489 voters voted in the last election making the voting to around 90.51%. The Demographic Bifurcation of the constituency is 71.54% Christians, 2.72% Hindus and 0.51% Muslims.

Kyrmen Shylla candidate belonging to United Democratic Party won the seat in last election defeating Justine Dkhar of Bharatiya Janata Party by 8,181 Votes.

Sitting and previous MLAs from Kharkutta Assembly Constituency

Below is the list of winners and runners-up in the Kharkutta assembly elections conducted so far.

YearA C No.Constituency NameCategoryWinnerGenderPartyVotesRunner UpGenderPartyVotes
201837kharkutta(ST)Rupert MominMNPEP14654Cherak Watre MominMINC13845
201337Kharkutta(ST)Cherak MominMINC7733Omillo K SangmaMNPP6046
200840Kharkutta(ST)Shri.Omillo K.SangmaMNCP6424Shri.Rupert MominMIND6117
200340Kharkutta(ST)Elstone D. Marak MNCP6568Subash MarakMINC3230
199840Kharkutta(ST)Elstone D. Marak MINC6324Omillo K. SangmaMIND2599
199340Kharkutta(ST)Elstone D. Marak MIND3207Luderberg Ch. MominMHPU2969
198840Kharkutta(ST)Luderberg Ch. Momin MHPU3490Pretting Tone SangmaMINC3279
198340Kharkutta(ST)Prettingtone Sangma MINC2947Kurendra D. ShiraMIND1694
197840Kharkutta(ST)Prithington Sangma MINC2203Kurendra D.ShiraMIND1255
197244Kharkutta(ST)Pritington SangmaMAHL760Wetherson MoninMIND286

Last Updated on: Jan 09, 2023