Polling Station List Punahana Assembly Constituency 2014

List of Polling Stations in Punahana

Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the Punahana Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency in Haryana. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth.

Locality of Polling AreasPolling Booth AddressTotal Electors
Akbarpur(128)Govt Middle School, Akbarpur
Allahabad(181)Govt Primary School, Illahabad
Aminabad(226)Govt Middle School, Aminabad
Andhaki(235)Govt Primary School, Andhaki
Badli(131)Govt Middle School, Badli
Bandhauli(154)Govt Primary School, Badholi
Barka(234)Govt Primary School, Badka
Basdalla(232)Govt Primary School, Basdalla
Bichhor(243)Govt Sr.Sec.School , Bichhore(Right Side)1470
Govt. Primary School, Bichhore1346
Govt Sr.Sec.School , Bichhore(Left Side)1418
Govt Girl Middle School , Bichhore(Right Side)1539
Govt Boys Middle School , Bichhore1297
Bikti(225)Govt Primary School, Vikti
Bisru(199)Govt High School , Bisru(Right Side)1517
Govt High School , Bisru(Central Side)963
Govt High School , Bisru(Left Side)802
Govt Primary School , Bisru(Right Side)1248
Govt Primary School , Bisru(Left Side)1054
Chandanki(213)Govt Primary School, Chandanki
Dadauli(221)Govt High School Dudoli (Right Side)1844
Govt Primary School ,Badha Majra Dudoli616
Ferozepur Meo(203)Govt Middle School, Ferozepur Meo
Gangwani(134)Govt High School , Gangwani
Ghira(236)Govt Primary School, Gheera
Gubradi(197)Govt Primary School, Gubradi
Gudhala (174)Govt Middle School, Godhula (Right Side)
Gulalta(201)Govt Middle School , Gulalta(Right Side)1461
Govt Middle School , Gulalta(Left Side)1305
Hajipur(231)Govt Middle School, Hajipur
Hathan Gaon(227)Govt High School, Hathangaon(Right Side)997
Govt High School, Hathangaon(Left Side)960
Hinganpur(206)Govt Primary School, Higanpur
Indana(241)Govt Middle School, Indana(Right Side)955
Govt Middle School, Indana(Left Side)909
Jakhokhar(224)Govt Primary School, Jakhokar
Jalika(202)Govt Primary School, Jalika
Jamal Garh(156)Govt Senior Secondary School , Jamalghar(Right Side)1267
Govt Senior Secondary School , Jamalghar(Left Side)1288
Govt Girls Primary School, Jamalgarh1203
Jarauli(211)Govt Middle School, Jadoli
Jehtana(193)Govt Senior Secondary School, Jehtana(Right Side)989
Govt Senior Secondary School, Jehtana(Left Side)649
Jharokri(239)Govt Middle School, Jharokari
Jiwant(167)Govt Middle School,, Jaiwant(Right Side)1087
Govt Middle School,, Jaiwant(Left Side)795
Khajli Kalan(190)Govt Primary School, Khawajli Kalan
Kherla Punahana(169)Govt Middle School, Khedla Punhana(Right Side)740
Govt Middle School, Khedla Punhana(Left Side)1125
Khorishah Chokha(177)Govt Middle School , Khorishah Chokha(Right Side)1001
Govt Middle School , Khorishah Chokha(Left Side)1138
Govt Primary School, Khorishah Chokha (Right Side)1610
Laherwari(170)Govt Middle School , Leharwari(Right Side)1193
Govt Middle School , Leharwari(Left Side)893
Laphuri(237)Govt Middle School, Lafuri
Lohinga Kalan(165)Govt High School , Luhinga Kalan(Right Side)1418
Govt. Primary School, Luhinga Kalan1388
Govt High School , Luhinga Kalan(Left Side)1488
Mamlika(130)Govt Primary School, Mamlika
ManotiGovt Primary School, ,Manota
Mhuziaba(240)Govt Primary School, Madiyaki
Mohammadpur Ter (187)Govt Primary School, Mohamadpur (Right Side)873
Govt Primary School, Mohamadpur (Left Side)1090
Mubarikpur(216)Govt Middle School, Mubarikpur(Right Side)907
Govt Middle School, Mubarikpur(Left Side)881
Mundheta(182)Govt Middle School, Mudheta(Right Side)799
Govt Middle School, Mudheta(Left Side)800
Naharpur(210)Govt Primary School, Naharpur
Naheda(223)Govt Middle School, Naheda(Right Side)973
Govt Middle School, Naheda(Left Side)927
Nai(229)Govt High School , Nai(Right Side)1234
Govt High School , Nai(Left Side)1452
Govt Primary School (Near Hospital), Nai (Right Side)1577
Schedule Caste Chaupal Lohadiya Patti, Nai1576
Nakanpur (Part)(217)Govt Primary School, Nakanpur(Right Side)792
Govt Primary School, Nakanpur(Central Side)935
Govt Primary School, Nakanpur(Left Side)987
Municipal Committee , Nakanpur (New)1450
Neemka(242)Govt Middle School, Neemka(Right Side)1074
Govt Middle School, Neemka(Left Side)1029
Niwana(173)Govt Middle School, Niwana1318
Schedule Caste Chaupal , Niwana488
Otha(205)Govt Primary School, Otha(Right Side)887
Govt Primary School, Otha(Left Side)940
Paima Khera(233)Govt Middle School, Paima Khera(Right Side)910
Govt Middle School, Paima Khera(Left Side)791
Papra (179)Govt Middle School, Papra(Right Side)786
Govt Middle School, Papra(Left Side)692
PatakpurGovt Primary School, Patakpur
Phalaindi(178)Govt Middle School, Falendi
Phardari(198)Govt Middle School, Fardari
Pingwan (127) (Ct)Govt Girls Sr. Sec. School , Pingawa(Right Side)1216
Govt. Primary School, Pingawa(Right Wing)873
Govt. Primary School, Pingawa(Left Wing)975
Govt Girls Sr. Sec. School , Pingawa(Left Side)1403
Govt Senior Secondary (Boys) School, Pingawa(Right Side)1083
Govt Senior Secondary (Boys) School, Pingawa(Left Side)1186
Punahana (Rural)(219)Office Bdpo , Punhana (Right Side)1691
Govt Senior Secondary School, Punhana(Right Side)1371
Govt Senior Secondary School, Punhana(Left Side)762
Govt Girl Sr. Sec. School, Punhana1087
Office Forest Department, Punhana1256
Rahepwa(185)Govt Primary School, Rehpua
RahidaGovt Primary School, Rahida
Raipur(207)Govt Primary School, Raipur
Rajpur(195)Govt Middle School, Rajpura
Rasoolpur(194)Govt Middle School, Rasulpur
Shikrawa(192)Govt High School , Shikrawa(Right Side)1480
Govt Primary School , Shikrawa(Right Side)1552
Govt High School , Shikrawa(Left Side)1330
Singar(238)Govt Senior Secondary School , Singar(Right Side)916
Govt Senior Secondary School , Singar(Central Side)823
Govt Senior Secondary School , Singar(Left Side)1444
Govt Primary School, Singar(Right Side)1513
Govt Girl Primary School , Singar(Right Side)906
Govt Girl Primary School , Singar(Central Side)1135
Govt Primary School, Singar(Central Side)986
Govt Primary School, Singar(Left Side)964
Govt Girl Primary School , Singar(Middle Side)1777
Siroli(196)Govt High School, Siroli(Right Side)1016
Govt Primary School, Siroli(Central Side)649
Govt High School, Siroli(Left Side)883
Srisingalheri(166)Govt High School , Sihri Singalheri(Right Side)1035
Govt High School , Sihri Singalheri(Left Side)1092
Sultanpur Punahana(204)Govt Primary School, Sultanpur Punhana
Sumahra(222)Govt Middle School, Sunhera
Ter(184)Govt Middle School , Ter(Right Side)1375
Govt Middle School , Ter(Left Side)1281
Thek(220)Govt Middle School, Thek
Tirwara(230)Govt Middle School , Tirwara(Right Side)1334
Govt Middle School , Tirwara(Left Side)995
Tundlaka(172)Govt Middle School, Tundlaka
Tusaini(175)Govt Middle School, Tusaini

Last Updated on October 19, 2014