About Garhi Sampla Kiloi Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency
Garhi Sampla Kiloi is a village in Sampla Mandal in Rohtak district of Haryana. The assembly constituency of Garhi Sampla Kiloi falls under Rohtak parliamentary constituency. Bhupinder Singh of INC is the present MLA from the constituency. He defeated Satish Kumar of INLD with a huge margin in 2009 state assembly elections. Singh bagged 89849 votes as against Kumar's 17749 votes only.
Sitting and Previous MLAs from Garhi Sampla Kiloi Assembly Constituency
Below is the list of winners and runners-up in the Garhi Sampla Kiloi assembly elections conducted so far.
Year | A.C No. | Assembly Constituency Name | Type | Winner | Gender | Party | Votes | Runner Up | Gender | Party | Votes |
2014 | 61 | Garhi Sampla-Kiloi | GEN | Bhupinder Singh Hooda | M | INC | 80693 | Satish Kumar Nandal | M | INLD | 33508 |
2009 | 61 | Garhi Sampla Kiloi | GEN | Bhupinder Singh | M | INC | 89849 | Satish Kumar | M | INLD | 17749 |