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Polling Booth in West-Pendam Assembly Constituency

List of Polling Booth in West-Pendam

Below is a list of all the Polling booths falling under the West-Pendam Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) Constituency. Given along is the detailed address for each polling booth. West-Pendam Assembly Constituency falls under the West-Pendam Parliamentary (Lok Sabha) Constituency of the state of Orissa.

Polling Booth AreaAddress
Central Pendam-ACheuribotey
Central Pendam-BDuga
Central Pendam-CDeorali
Central Pendam-DJitlang
Chanatar WardChanatar Ward
Majitar AMajitar A
Majitar BMajitar B
Mandi BazarMandi Bazar
Rangpo Upper BazarRangpo Upper Bazar
West Pendam -BSakhu, Khanigaon
West Pendam-ARalang, Syapley
West Pendam-CSingleybong, Bordang
West Pendam-DSawney

Last Updated on MAY 9, 2020
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